Banzai!! Index

In addition to the listing below, the Excel file contains a catalogue of all the key themes in each issue of Banzai included into some logical sense, captured in searchable and sortable spreadsheet format. The material is grouped into areas such as "AAR", Scenario Analyses" and "Tournament Summaries", and also an attempt was made to capture the more amusing aspects of Banzai and also a section on "Comment & Opionion". There is also a cross-link from each article to its parent Banzai Journal issue for easy download, and each category has a list of authors to assist easy sorting and also a brief summary comment on what the article is composed of. Thanks to Nick Drinkwater for pulling all of this information together.

Banzai!! 0.1 Dec 1995

Third Annual Austin ASL Tournament Another Success; David Hailey

Tactical Tips: Half-Squads; Mike Seningen

Scenario Analysis: A37 Dreil Team; Matt Shostak

The Dangers of Variantism; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 0.2 Jan 1996

Details of the Ladder Point System; Matt Shostak

Panzer Gegen Mortar; Matt Shostak

Beginner's Corner; Kirk Woller

Scenario Analysis: The Fugitives; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 0.3 Feb 1996

A Terrible Thing To Waste; Matt Shostak

A Conversation with Dade Cariaga; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 0.4 Mar 1996

Beginners’ Corner No. 2: Newbie Oversights; Kirk Woller

Scenario Challenge; Tom Repetti

Intermediate Driver’s Ed Part 1: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 0.5 Apr 1996

Scenario Challenge; Tom Repetti

Spass mit Panzerfaust! (Fun with Panzerfausts!); Tim Hundsdorfer

Banzai!! 0.6 May 1996

Scenario Challenge; Tom Repetti

After Action Report: A53 Smith and Weston; Matt Shostak

Intermediate Driver’s Ed Part 2: The Run and Shoot; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 0.7 Jun 1996

Scenario Challenge; Tom Repetti

Between The Rock and a Hard Place; Matt Shostak

DEEE-Fense! DEEE-Fense! DEEE-Fense!; Tom Huntington

The State of ASL in Central Texas; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 0.8 Jul/Aug 1996

ASL Team Tourney Recap; Matt Shostak

A Conversation With Louie Tokarz

Totsugeki Talk; Matt Shostak, Dade Cariaga

Banzai!! 0.9 Sep 1996

Tactical Tips: Concealment; Chas Smith

Fireside Chat: Wintergewitter; Matt Shostak, Tom Repetti, Tim Wilson, Dade Cariaga, Rodney Kinney

Warning: Smoke May be Hazardous to Your Health; Tom Huntington

Banzai!! 1.0 Oct 1996

After Action Report: Wild West Fest II; Matt Shostak

Monster Pack Review; Matt Shostak

Learning the Law of the Curved Fire Gun; Tim Hundsdorfer

Banzai!! 1.1 Nov 1996

Fighting On Two Fronts; Matt Shostak

The 96 Annual: A Review; Matt Shostak

Scenario Gourmets and An In Depth Look At The Best; Tim Hundsdorfer

After Action Report: Guards Counterattack; Jim Knatcher

Banzai!! 1.2 Dec 1996

Banzai Celebrates First Year; Matt Shostak

After Action Report: WCW7 Eye of the Tiger; Matt Shostak

Kursk After Action Report; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 2.1 Jan 1997

Scenario Analysis: The Awakening of Spring; Mike Seningen

Don't Try This At Home...Halftrack Driving For Professionals; Tim Hundsorfer

From The Weekender (I'm Out There On The Weak End); Greg Swantek

Scenario Analysis: The Commissar's House; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 2.2 Mar 1997

HIP Tactics; Chas Smith

After Action Report: The Hornet of Cloville; Matt Shostak

Another Look at The Commissar's House; Dade Cariaga

Scenario Analysis: Fighting Withdrawal; Matt Shostak

AMBUSHED!; Kirk Woller

Banzai!! 2.3 Apr 1997

From the Weekender (I'm Out There On the Weak End); Greg Swantek

Trench Warfare Part 1: Pillbox Pointers; Matt Shostak

Wotanstellung; Tim Hundsdorfer

Banzai!! 2.4 May 1997

It Takes a Village Idiot; Kirk Woller

From the Weekender (I'm Out There On the Weak End); Greg Swantek

The Dogs of War; Matt Shostak

Trench Warfare Part 2: Digging In; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 2.5 Jun 1997

Scenario Analysis: Confusion Reigns; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 2.6 Aug 1997

5th Annual ASL Team Tournament Recap; Matt Shostak

From The Weekender (I'm Out There On The Weak End); Greg Swantek

After Action Report: 5th Annual ASL Team Tournament; Todd Hively

The State Of The Club; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 2.7 Sep 1997

After Action Report: Wild West Fest III; Matt Shostak

After Action Report: Close Order Dreil; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 3.1 Mar 1998

Passing the Torch; Matt Shostak

Dropping the Torch; Mike Austin

Scenario Analysis: Preparing the Way (ASL D9); Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 3.2 Jul 1998

Scenario Analysis: The Fugitives; John Slotwinski, Ph.D.

Favorite Scenarios: Matt Shostak

The Rules Clinic: General Tips; Mike Seningen

Player Profile: Mike Seningen

After Action Report: First Contact, First Defeat; Matt Shostak

Top 10 Rejected Scenario Titles; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 3.3 Nov 1998

Scenario Analysis: A Breezeless Day; Matt Shostak

A Mathematical Minefield; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: David Hailey

Favorite Scenarios: Mike Seningen

After Action Report: RB CG-II; Aaron and Matt Schwoebel

The Rules Clinic; Mike Seningen

State of the Club, 1998; Matt Shostak

Bounding Fire Corner; Chas Smith

WWF Dispatch; Matt Shostak

Player Aids: ASOP Part 1; Mike Austin

Banzai!! 4.1 Apr 1999

Tactical Analysis: HOW 8: Merzenhausen Zoo; Matt Shostak

An Offensive Story: Winter Offensive 1999 Recap; Sam Tyson

Player Profile: Chas Smith

Favorite Scenarios: David Hailey

This Happend to Me (vs. Chas Smith); Mike Seningen

Banzai!! 4.2 Jul 1999

Tactical Analysis: DASL 7 - With Flame and Shell; Matt Shostak

After Action Report: DASL 7 - With Flame and Shell; Sam Tyson

Player Profile: Jeff Toreki

Favorite Scenarios: Chas Smith

The Return of the Weekender (I'm Out There On the Weak End); Greg Swantek

This Happend to Me; Jeff Toreki

Banzai!! 5.1 Feb 2000

Tactical Analysis: RB 1 - One Down, Two to Go; Mike Seningen

After Action Report: J8 - Blockbusting in Bokruisk; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Eric Gerstenberg

Favorite Scenarios: Jeff Toreki

This Happened to Me; Sam Tyson

Bonsai!! Apr 2000

Continuous Close Combat Table (CCCT); Matt 'Whoop-Ass' Shostak

Quit'yer Bitchin' Dice Chart; Sam Tyson

More Unused Scenario Titles; Jeff 'Big Tease' Toreki

Scenario Analysis: Saving Ryan's Privates; Matt 'Whoop-Ass' Shostak

Movie Popcorn Scenario: SAVING RYAN'S PRIVATES; Sam Tyson

SRP Series Replay; Sam Tyson

Another Scenario: Small Cats at Play; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 5.2 May 2000

The Geometry of ASL; David Hailey

After Action Report: RB Russian Lessons Learned; Aaron Schwoebel

After Action Report: RB German Lessons Learned; Matt Schwoebel

The Tournament Experience; Roy Connelly

Tactical Discussion: SP 15: The Tobacco Factory; Carl Kusch and Jeff Toreki

Player Profile: Kirk Woller

Favorite Scenarios: Eric Gerstenberg

This Happened to Me; Andy Milder and Eric Gerstenberg

Banzai!! 5.3 Oct 2000

Tourney Wrap-up!!: 2000 Texas ASL Team Tournament; Mike Seningen

Tactical Analysis: Dreil Team; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Andy Milder

Favorite Scenarios: Kirk Woller

Top Ten Scenarios: A Newbie's Perspective; Patrick O'Brien

This Happened to Me; Mike Austin

Banzai!! 6.1 Feb 2001

After Action Report: The Red Wave; Edward Beekman

The Hermann Göring: A Unit History; Chas Smith

SP11 Pomeranian Tigers: Analysis and AAR; Carl Kusch

Banzai!! 6.2 Aug 2001

Tourney Wrap-up!!: 2001 Austin ASL Team Tournament; Mike Austin

Tactical Analysis: Dress Rehearsal; Mike Seningen

Tactical Analysis: Setting the Stage; Carl Kusch

Tactical Analysis: Showtime; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Sam Tyson

Banzai!! 7.1 Feb 2002

It's a Matter of Balance; Mike Seningen

After Action Report: Dress Rehearsal; Carl Kusch and Rick Reinesch

Player Profile: Aaron Schwoebel

Favorite Scenarios: Sam Tyson

Banzai!! 7.2 Aug 2002

Tourney Wrap-up!!: 2002 Austin ASL Team Tournament; Mike Seningen

Scenario Analysis: BDF7: Baraque de Fraiture; Jim Torkelson

Player Profile: Tom Gillis

Favorite Units: Aaron Schwoebel

After Action Report: SP73: Seregelyes Slug-Out; Carl Kusch

Banzai!! 8.1 Mar 2003

Tourney Time: 2003 Preview; Mike Seningen

After Action Report: Directive Number Three; Carl Kusch and Steve Desrosiers

A Closer Look at Concealment; Christian Koppmeyer

Snowed by the Dice; Bret Smith

Player Profile: Jim Ferrell

Favorite Scenarios: Tom Gillis

The First-Ever Game Day of the Modern Era in San Antonio; Carl Kusch

Bonanzai!! Apr 2003

After Action Report: ASL Lunch; Matt 'Whoop-Ass' Shostak

More Unused Scenario Titles; Jeff 'Big Tease' Toreki and Matt 'Whoop-Ass' Shostak

Texas Clubs Unveil New ASL Shirts; Sam 'Forecheck' Tyson

Articles That Won't be in the Next Issue; Sam 'Forecheck' Tyson and Matt 'Whoop-Ass' Shostak

Unclaimed Club Nicknames; Matt 'Whoop-Ass' Shostak and Others

Movie Popcorn Scenario: ONSLAUGHT of OSHA; Matt 'Whoop-Ass' Shostak

Banzai!! 8.2 Sep 2003

Editor's Corner; Sam Tyson

2003 Tourney Report; Mike Seningen

Scenario Analysis: Hornet's Nest (OB 2); Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Jeff "T-bone" Taylor

Favorite Scenarios: Jim Ferrell

Banzai!! 9.1 Jan 2004

Editor's Corner: 2003 Year in Review; Sam Tyson

Scenario Analysis: The Trap at Targul Frumos (Z19); Matt Shostak

Building an Even Better Beast: Wedding SASL and ASL; Allen King

After Action Report: SP101 Jura Juggernaut; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Jay Harms

Favorite Scenarios: Jeff Taylor

Foggy Breakdown : A Challenger for Designers; Matt Shostak

Bananai?? Apr 2004

More Unused Scenario Titles; Mike "Lost in" Austin, Dan Preston "Nails", Bryan "Pre" Register, Mike Seningegenpanzerschmuck, "Haz" Matt Shostak

Playing Piece Profile: German 4-6-7 Squad A; "Haz" Matt Shostak

More Unclaimed Club Member Nicknames

Movie Popcorn Scenario: DRIVING MISS DAISY; "Haz" Matt Shostak

Movie Popcorn Scenario: DUDE, WHERE'S MY CAR?; Sam 'Forecheck' Tyson

Bandsaw!! Apr 2005

Sing Along; Bryan Register

Ladder Results We'd Like to See; Dan Preston

More Unused Scenario Titles; Bryan "Pre" Register, Dan Preston, "Haz" Matt Shostak

Kilroy's Klews; Dan Preston

Movie Popcorn Scenario: SOLDIERS OF DISTRACTION; Dan Preston

Banzai!! 11.1 Nov 2006

Commissar's Corner: Banzai!! is Back; Sam Tyson

Scenario Analysis: Expelling the Guards (SP124); Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Brian Roundhill

Favorite Scenarios: Bill Dorre

2006 Texas Team Tournament Report; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 12.1 Feb 2007

Commissar's Corner; Matt Shostak

Scenario Analysis: J50 - The Cactus Farm; Zeb Doyle

Player Profile: Zeb Doyle

The Commissar's Play List; Matt Shostak

2007 ASL Team Tournament Report; Rick Reinesch

Favorite Scenarios: Brian Roundhill

This Happend to Me; Matt Shostak

Style Points; Various Authors

Banzai!! 12.2 Jun 2007

Commissar's Corner; Matt Shostak

The Curse of the 10-3; Dan Preston

Player Profile: Rick Reinesch

What's On My Play List; Walter Eardley

Style Points; Zeb Doyle

Scenario Analysis: J106 Marders Not Martyrs; Matt Shostak

2007 ASL Team Tournament Update; Rick Reinesch

Favorite Scenarios: Zeb Doyle

Tactical Tip; Matt Shostak and Sam Tyson

Club Ladder Results; Matt Shostak

This Happend to Me; Various Authors

Bunsen!! Aug 2007

Fake Ladder Results; Dan "Big Daddy" Preston

More Rejected Scenario Titles And/Or Unfortunate Typos; Dan "Big Daddy" Preston, "Haz" Matt Shostak, "Big Tease" Jeff Toreki

Kilroy's Klews; Bunsen Staff

More Unused Club Nicknames; Bunsen Staff

Club Blues Ladder; Bunsen Staff

New Game Rumor: Advanced Logistics Leader; "Haz" Matt Shostak, "Big Tease" Jeff Toreki

Counter Storage Systems Throughout History; Bunsen Staff

Kilroy's Klews; Bunsen Staff

Quiz: WW2 Term or Alcoholic Drink?

Quiz: Military Term or Body Part?

This Happened to Me; Bunsen Staff

Movie Popcorn Scenario: VHERE IST VALDO?; Dan Preston

Movie Popcorn Scenario: DEMOLITION DERBY; Dan Preston

Banzai!! 12.3 Sep 2007

Commissar's Corner; Matt Shostak

After Action Report: RbF-41 Vatutin's Right Hook; Matt Shostak

Toe-to-Toe: Tiger I vs. IS-2; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Glenn Schools

6+1 = Profit; Dan Preston

Style Points; Matt Shostak

2007 ASL Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

2007 ASL Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

This Happened To Me; Various Authors

Rules Tip; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 13.1 Jan 2008


Toe-to-Toe: PzIIIJ vs. T34/M41; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: Matt Schwoebel;

Carpe DM; Dan Preston

Favorite Scenarios: Rick Reinesch

Style Points; Matt Shostak

Favorite Scenarios: Glenn Schools

This Happened To Me; Various Authors

Rules Tip; Matt Shostak

2008 Texas ASL Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

Tactical Tips; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 13.2.1 May 2008

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Analysis: RPT6 Cadets and Cadre; Nick Drinkwater

2008 Texas ASL Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

A Texan in the Windy City: My Trip to the ASL Open; Zeb Doyle

Player Profile: Scott Bell

Tactical Tips; Rick Reinesch

Favorite Scenarios: Matt Schwoebel

Style Points; Matt Shostak

This Happened to Me (Us)

Rules Tip; Zeb Doyle

Tactical Tip; Dan Preston

Banzai!! 13.3 August 2008

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

The Forced March of Time; Dan Preston

Style Points; Rick Reinesch

Rules Tip; Matt Shostak

Rules Tip; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Analysis: AoC8 The Game’s Up Aussies; Nick Drinkwater

Tactical Tip; Rick Reinesch

Product Review: HOB's Special Forces Pack; Nick Drinkwater

2008 Texas ASL Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

2008 Texas ASL Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

Player Profile: Jerry Simmons

Favorite Scenarios: Scott Bell

This Happened to Me (Us)

Banzai!! 13.4 November 2008

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

Scenario Analysis: Up the Numa Numa Trail; Nick Drinkwater

Tactics Tip; Rick Reinesch

AAR: A Pleasant Diversion; Nick Drinkwater

2009 Texas ASL Team Tournament Preview; Rick Reinesch

Favorite Scenarios; Jerry Simmons

This Happened To Me (Us); Various Authors

Banzai!! 14.1 March 2009

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

Owlcon AAR and Scenario Analysis: AP42 "Frontiers & Pioneers"; Nick Drinkwater

2009 Texas ASL Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

Player Profile: Walter Eardley;

Style Points; Matt Shostak

Rules Tip; Rick Reinesch

So Many Scenarios...; Various Authors

Owlcon AAR: AP52 Into Vienna Woods - The Truth; Nick Drinkwater

Tactical Tip; Dan Preston

This Happened To Me (Us); Various Authors

Bonbon April 2009

Fake Ladder Results; Dan "Big Daddy" Preston

More Unused Club Nicknames; Bunsen Staff

If Ian Fleming Played ASL; Tyson, Sam Tyson

My Favorite Hexes; Dan "Hexed" Preston

This Happended To You; Bunsen Staff

Not Coming Soon: Velour of the Guards; Dan “Plaid” Preston and Matt “Suede” Shostak

Kilroy's Klews; Bunsen Staff

Top Excuses; Bunsen Staff

Whiner's Word Search; Nick “like a fine whine” Drinkwater

Movie Popcorn Scenario: Twelve Angry Men; Dan Preston

Movie Popcorn Scenario: The Worst Case; Dan Preston

Banzai!! 14.2 May 2009

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Steel From the Sea; Zeb Doyle

A Critical (Hit) Issue; Zeb Doyle

2009 Texas ASL Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Analysis: The Meat Grinder; Matt Shostak

Tactics Tip; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Analysis: Up Inferno Hill; Matt Shostak

Favorite Scenarios: Walter Eardley;

Turning Fifty; Matt Shostak

Turning Fifty; Sam Tyson

Banzai!! 14.3 Oct 2009

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

String Theory; Dan Preston

Tactics Tip; Dan Preston

Campaign Game AAR: KGP II: Bridge at Cheneux; Nick Drinkwater

Player Profile: The Two Half Squads (Jeffery Hallett and Dave Kleinschmidt)

17th Annual Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

17th Annual Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 15.1 Mar 2010

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Fighting With Fire - Using Fire and Smoke as a Weapon: A Case Study; Robert Delwood

Fun With Flags: The Perils of Platoon Movement; Zeb Doyle

Tactical Tip; Zeb Doyle

Assets: A Crew; Dan Preston

Minimal Games; Dan Preston

Three Rules To A Better Cave Game; JR VanMechelen

2010 Texas ASL Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

My Summer Project; George Bates

Rules Tip; Rick Reinesch

Intensive Fire Trip Report; Eric Gerstenberg

Banzai!! 15.2 Aug 2010

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

First Impressions: Blood and Jungle; Matt Shostak

Rules Reference; Matt Shostak

Favorite Scenarios; Dave Kleinschmidt

The Finer Points of Pillboxes; Zeb Doyle

18th Annual Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

18th Annual Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Tactical Tip; Rick Reinesch

This Happened To Me

Thunderbird ASL Tournament

Banzai!! 16.1 Apr 2011

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Basic Tactics; Matt Shostak

Exit Stage Right; Dan Preston

Tactical Tip; Rick Reinesch

ASL Noobie Top Ten; Greg Schmittgens

This Happened To Me; Various Authors

Rules Tip; Rick Reinesch

Player Profile: Dan Preston

2011 Texas ASL Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

Nothing Noob Under the Sun; Matt Shostak

Banzai!! 16.2 Oct 2011

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

North Texas Shootout Tournament; Ed Beekman

Toe-to-Toe: Middleweights; Matt Shostak

First Impressions: Nordic Twighlight; Mark Drake

Favorite Scenarios; Dan Preston

Correction; Andy Daniels

This Happened To Me; Various Authors

2011 Texas ASL Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

2011 Texas ASL Team Tournament Write-up; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 17.1 Feb 2012

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

North Texas Shoot-Out Tournament Report; Ed Beekman

Great Expectations; Matt Shostak

Fear Factor; Matt Shostak

Rules Tip; Rick Reinesch

Player Profile: Bryan Register

First Impressions: Crucible of Steel; Matt Shostak

20th Annual Texas Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

Bunion!! Apr 2012

Klink's Korner

If Randle Narrated ASL

Fake Scenario Titles

You know you've been playing too much ASL when...

Quiz: Japanese Vehicle or Random Onomatopeoia?

New Product Rumor: Armies of Indifference

And also not new from MMP!

ASL Haiku

Playing Piece Profile: Burning Building Counter

More Fake Scenario Titles

ASL Sing-a-Long

Fake Ladder Results

Scenario: Infantry as Engineers

Scenario: Custer’s Muster

Banzai!! 17.2.1 Oct 2012

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

Not Just Beer and Pretzels: The Texas ASL Dos Equis Scenario Pack

North Texas Shootout; Ed Beekman

Captain Carry 5PP; Dan Preston

Fear and Loathing on the Dos Equis Trail; Randy Moorehead

20th Annual Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

20th Annual Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Stuck in "Rush Hour" - An After Action Report of TX-5; Matt Zajac

Rules Tip; Rick Reinesch

Don’t Just Talk About the Scenarios You’ve Played, ROAR About Them; Banzai Staff

Scenario Analysis: TX6 - Tough Enough; Mike Seningen

Banzai!! 18.1 Aug 2013

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

Scenario Analysis: GD10 Apple Sauce; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: John Hyler

Easing The Freeze; Dan Preston

Starter Kit Korner; Vincent Maresca

Tourney AAR and First Timer Impressions; Ed Hack

21st Annual Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

21st Annual Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Tactical Tip; Dan Preston

This Happened to Me; Various

North Texas Shootout; Ed Beekman

Don’t Just Talk About the Scenarios You’ve Played, ROAR About Them; Banzai Staff

Banzai!! 19.1 Aug 2014

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

Scenario Analysis: Scenario Analysis: BFP95 Obian Highway; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: David Longstreet

Favorite Scenarios; John Hyler

Rules Tip; Banzai Staff

ME NE FREGO: The Italians in ASL; Vincent Maresca

ASL With Minitures – Beyond Deluxe ASL; Matt Zajac

Bringing DELUXE Alive - ASL with Miniatures at the 2014 Texas Team Tournament; Matt Zajac

Rules Tip; Banzai Staff

Get Back to Where You Once Belonged: a Return to ASL; Randy Strader

22nd Annual Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

Tactical Tip; Jeff Toreki

22nd Annual Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Analysis: Scenario Analysis: BFP40 Advance to Kakas; Matt Shostak

North Texas Shootout; Ed Beekman

Don’t Just Talk About the Scenarios You’ve Played, ROAR About Them; Banzai Staff

Banzai!! 20.1 Dec 2015

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

Omaha East/West House Rules; Allen King and John Hyler

Rules Reference; Banzai Staff

Starter Kit Korner; Vincent Maresca

23rd Annual Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

23rd Annual Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Player Profile; Dave Reinking

In Memorium: Tom Gillis

Banzai!! 21.1 May 2016

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

A Raging Good Time; Allen King

Design Notes; The Grogs

Game Tracks; Banzai Staff

Just Dropping In; Allen King and Matt Shostak

Tactical Tip; Matt Shostak

This Happened To Me; Rick Reinesch

2016 Texas Team Tournament Preview; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 22.1 March 2017

Editor’s Foxhole; Matt Shostak

Should I Take the Backblast Penalty?; Rich Spilky

Recommended Scenarios; The Grogs

Game Tracks; Banzai Staff

Favorite Scenarios; Dave Reinking

Tactical Tip; Matt Shostak

This Happened To Me; The Grogs

2016 Texas Team Tournament Wrapup; Rick Reinesch

2017 Texas Team Tournament Preview; Rick Reinesch

Rooting Out The Fanatics; Allen King, Gary Krockover

Backblast Decision Table Spreadsheet

Banzai!! 22.2 November 2017

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Mission Planning; Tom Kearney

Banzai Crossfire; Rich Spilky, Rob Banozic

Banzai Crossfire-AAR; Rich Spilky, Rob Banozic

Rules Tip

Player Profile: Matt Evans

Rules Tip

2017 Texas Team Tournament Roundup; Rick Reinesch

2017 Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 23.1 Mar 2018

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

SK Corner; Kevin Boles, Amanda Boles

Through the Crucible of Steel; Tom Kearney, Al Saltzman

Player Profile: Allen King

Scenario Analysis: A Real Barn Burner; Matt Shostak

Rules Tip

2018 Texas Team Tournament Preview; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 23.2 Oct 2018

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Scenario C: The Streets of Stalingrad (or Breathing Life Into An Old Classic); Rich Spilky

Scenario Analysis: Barbarossa D-Day [FrF4]; Matt Shostak

SK Corner: Kevin Boles, Amanda Boles

AAR: Primosole Bridge - Campaign Game 3 (When Devil’s Collide); Allen King

A Series of Unlikely Coincidences; Chris Kubick

Rules Tip

2018 Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

2018 Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 24.1 Mar 2019

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Replay and Analysis: The Last Bid [RB5]; Rich Spilky

Player Profile: Matt Zajac

SK Corner:Novices on the Defense; Peter Di Cioccio

Scenario Recommendations; Various

Tactical Tip; Carl Nogueira

2019 Texas Team Tournament Preview; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 24.2 Sep 2019

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Analysis: Preliminary Move [BFP73]; Matt Shostak

ASLSK Scenario Design Challenge Results: Vincent Maresca

This Happened To Me; The Grogs

SK Corner:Deep Dive Into PTO Banzai; Kevin Boles

SK Corner:Novices on the Defense - Part II Stopping the Enemy; Peter Di Cioccio

2019 Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

2019 Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 25.1 Apr 2020

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Analysis: Early Morning Action [BFP90]; Matt Shostak

War Stories; The Grogs

SK Corner:War of the Rats [SK2]; Kevin Boles

Ask The Grognards: The Grogs

Scenario Analysis: Knife in the Flank [BFP103]; Matt Shostak

SK Corner:Novices on the Attak - Part III; Peter Di Cioccio

2020 Texas Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 25.2 Oct 2020

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Basic Game Fundamentals; Rick Reinesch

Fifty Shades of Black; Vincent Maresca

Player Profile: Ed Beekman

Rules Tip

SK Corner:Novices on AFVs - Part IV; Peter Di Cioccio

Banzai!! 25.3 Dec 2020

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

AAR: RO5 Men of Steel; Rich Spilky, Frank Canzolino

Banzai!! 26.1 Sep 2021

Editor’s Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

Scenario Analysis: Shenam Pass [BFP54]; Matt Shostak

Style Points; Matt Shostak

Infantry Target Type and Critical Hits; Jim Bishop

Player Profile: Dave Ramsey and Martin Barker

2021 Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

2021 Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 27.1 Jan 2022

Editors Foxhole; Matt Shostak

Scenario Analysis: Bukit Full of Trouble [BFP42]; Matt Shostak

Scenario Analysis: Bukit Full of Trouble [BFP42]; Jim Bishop

Pimp My Ride; The Grognards

A View From The Front; Matt Shostak

Player Profile: John Garlic

My ASL Tactical Maxims; Jim Bishop

29th Annnual Texas Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch

Banzai!! 27.2 Dec 2022

Editors Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

The Lost Crossfire: AP5 Invisible Foes; Rich Summers and Robert Banozic

This Happened to Matt; Sam Tyson

29th Annual Texas Team Tournament Results; Rick Reinesch

29th Annual Texas Team Tournament Wrap-up; Rick Reinesch

Rules Tip; Banzai!! Staff

Prisoners: Take em or Leave em?; Jim Bishop

Revisiting Scenario RB5 The Last Bid; Rich Spilky

Banzai!! 28.1 Aug 2023

Editors Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

A Discussion about Panzer Gegen Panzer; Jim Bishop

AFV Combat: Elements of Intermediate Play; Jim Bishop

Interview: Claude Berube

Scenario Analysis: AP60 Nishne Nyet!; Matt Shostak

Rules Tip; Banzai!! Staff

Banzai!! 29.1 Apr 2024

Editors Foxhole; Rick Reinesch

The 2022 Texas Memorial Scenario Pack; Dan Preston

An Examination of Fire Grouping; Jim Bishop

Playing the Americans in ASL; Jim Bishop

Rules Tip; Banzai!! Staff

30th Annual Texas Team Tournament; Rick Reinesch